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How to Find a Policy
If you are not sure where the policy is located or do not know the exact name of the policy then click in the Search Team Drive box to search.
If you are looking for our policy on Service Animals in Schools, type service animals in the box, click the magnifying glass or enter on your keyboard and all of our policies regarding service animals will be shown regardless of the section. After searching, click on the icon in the title bar to return to the policy list.
*Please note - we use a shared google drive to store the policies. This allows for easy searching among the policies. The column on the right, showing the "last modified" date, does not show the date the policies were passed by the Board of Directors; it shows the last time a policy document was uploaded to the google drive. Each policy contains an adopted date or an adopted/revised date of when the policy was last acted upon.
Policy Descriptions
Scroll down to view each policy section heading and see the description for what each section covers.
Section A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the district's legal role in providing public education and the basic principles underlying school board governance.
Section B - School Board Governance and Operations
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the school board - how it is appointed or elected; how it is organized, how it conducts meetings, and how the board operates. This section includes bylaws and policies establishing the Board's internal operating procedures.
Section C - General School Administration
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on school management, administrative organization, and school building and department administration - including the administrative aspect of special programs and systemwide reforms such as school or site-based management. It also houses personnel policies on the superintendent, senior administrators (management team), and school principals.
Section D - Fiscal Management
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on school finances and the management of funds.
Section E - Support Services
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on noninstructional services and programs, particularly those on business management such as safety, buildings and grounds management, office services, transportation, and food services.
Section F - Facilities Planning and Development
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on facility planning, financing, construction, and renovation. It also includes the topics of temporary facilities and school closings.
Section G - Personnel
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on all school employees except for the superintendent. This section includes instructional and administrative staff and support staff.
Section H - Negotiations
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the process of negotiating with bargaining units recognized by the school board and authorized under state law. Currently RSU #71 has no policies in this section.
Section I - Instruction
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the instructional program: basic curricular subjects, special programs, instructional resources, and academic achievement.
Section J - Students
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on students - admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, health and welfare, and school-related activities.
Section K- School - Community - Home Relations
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on parent and community involvement in schools. Policies include those on public concerns and complaints, community use of school facilities, visitors to the schools, and public information and communications.
Section L- Education Agency Relations
Contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the school district's relationship with other education agencies. Currently RSU #71 has no policies in this section.