
RSU 71 Educational Plan

On Monday, July 11, 2022, the school board approved the RSU 71 long-range strategic plan -- our "Education Plan"- which was developed during the spring of 2022:

Our essential question was, “What must RSU 71 do to best prepare all of our students to respond to current and future needs in a rapidly changing world?”

Our collective vision is to “Foster the individual strengths of students and staff through learning that engages all.”  We want all 1,442 students to experience their strengths and interests while in school and to develop into adults who can use these productively to create lives full of meaning and fulfillment. Even students – especially students – who struggle academically, socially, behaviorally, or financially – need to regularly get feedback about what they are good at and be provided with the opportunity to learn about the subjects and activities they most enjoy.

Below find a copy of the RSU 71 Educational Plan and infographic for the plan.

RSU 71 Education Plan - June 2022
RSU 71 Education Plan - Jun 2022.pdf